Our preview of this meeting was published here.
Scott Keeley appeared under Persons Wishing To Be Heard to speak about signage at the town beaches. He lamented the condition and quality of the current town signs and the misinformation on private signs near the beach. He showed some ideas for new signs, that would include statements of the constitution rights to use the beach. These can be seen in the agenda packet here.
Planning Commission Chair Ruth Platner spoke for awarding the bid for Commercial and Village Design Standards. (agenda item Fiscal Matters A) This work will produce guidelines for village areas of town. The result will come to the Council for possible adoption in zoning regulations. There was considerable discussion, initiated by Councilmember Stephen Stokes and taking almost half of the meeting time, about whether the bid period of approximately 3 weeks over the New Year was sufficient to receive the best bid. Only one bid was received. The current bid was rejected and the Council asked the Planning Department to re-issue the RFP for a period of 30 days to receive more bid options.
The town solicitor suggested that he could draft a cannabis sales ordinance based on other examples that are readily available, with the objective of bringing a draft for discussion to the Council in a month. The Council approved that.
The Council requested that the town solicitor draft an affordable housing trust fund ordinance to put a better framework around management of town funding for affordable housing. The Council expects to review this in April.
Council member Stephen Stokes initiated the agenda item to request an advisory opinion from the Planner and Planning Commission about giving development options among Conventional, Cluster and Conservation Development. He stated the objective, to give more flexibility. He asked for the advisory opinion to be delivered by April 10, 2023. This motion passed 4 - 1 with Councilor Cooper opposing.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.