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CRU slate works for all of Charlestown

On behalf of the candidates endorsed by Charlestown Residents United I humbly ask for your support for all our candidates. For Town Council: Rippy Serra, Peter Slom, Steve Stokes, Craig Marr and me, Deb Carney. For Planning Commission: Glenn Babcock and Laura Rom. And electing current Town Moderator Ray Dreczko and current School Committee member Laura Chapman.

Over the past two years we have worked to effect positive change and find solutions to issues in Charlestown.

Here is a list of just some of our accomplishments:

■ Delivered the second-lowest tax rate in the state while providing quality service;

■ Restored open and transparent government through increased meeting streaming, returning the meeting minutes to a format that provides actual information useful to the reader, stopping the abuse of removing town councilors’ items from the meeting agenda, and restoring the voice to the residents through reestablishing the Charter Review Advisory Committee as a standing committee;

■ Delivered a solution when the playground was removed from the Charlestown Elementary School due to safety concerns. The Town Council placed an item in the budget that transferred money from the town’s impact fees, at no cost to the taxpayer. The new playground is scheduled to be completed in November;

■ Worked collaboratively with the state to solve the immediate problem with the west wall of the Charlestown Breachway. Emergency repairs will be completed by the end of October. The long-term solution will take collaboration and involvement from the state and funding from the federal government;

■ Proactively worked to address the long overdue review of the town’s ordinance to bring us into compliance with state law, and the Constitution, in addition to addressing those ordinances that are outdated;

■ Provided portable lights to be used by our local youth football and cheerleading program so they can practice in the field when it gets darker earlier in the fall, rather than forcing them to practice in a parking lot. These portable lights will be used for events such as

Trunk or Treat and the New Year’s Eve bonfire, in addition to being available for town emergencies. These portable lights have no negative effect on the dark sky. When they are not in use, they are turned off; and

■ Worked with the South County Tourism Council to bring Thomas Dambo Trolls to Ninigret Park for all to enjoy.

This is a short list of some of the positive impacts for Charlestown over the past two years. I ask the voters to please allow us to continue to work collaboratively for you. We find compromise and solutions to benefit the many, not the few.

This election I ask you to please consider reelecting Rippy Serra, Peter Slom, Steve Stokes and me, Deb Carney to the Town Council and electing Craig Marr; for Planning Commission, Glenn Babcock and Laura Rom; and electing current Town Moderator Ray Dreczko and current School Committee member Laura Chapman.

Deborah Carney, Charlestown

The writer is president of the Charlestown Town Council and running for reelection


A version of this article appeared as a Letter To the Editor in The Westerly Sun on October 30, 2024.



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