The Charlestown Town Council is having their first business meeting of April on Monday, April 10 starting at 7:00 pm.
The agenda and supporting documents can be read here.
Here are some of the interesting topics:
The Council will have an "Introduction and First Reading" of Ordinance #401 for Cannabis Retail Sales (entire history of discussion starts at the link) and Ordinance #402 for Property Tax Classification (to conform with new State law). Both of these are expected to be scheduled for formal public hearings on May 8.
The Council will have a discussion about types of subdivision options: Conventional, Cluster, and Conservation Development (material starts here). This is a result of a motion and vote at the February 27 Council meeting.
The Council will discuss a new proposal to request bids on commercial and village design standards (information in the packet starts here). This is the result of discussions at a Council meeting and a joint meeting of Planning and the Council on March 29.
The Council will discuss the proposed budget the will be brought to the budget hearing on May 1.
As usual, public attendance in person in town hall is allowed. The session will be offered as a live stream to view through WebEx as described in the agenda. People watching online will not be able to comment or ask questions. The video of the session should be available for viewing at your leisure sometime on Tuesday on the meetings page. It will be down the page in the Past Meetings section.