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Apply for the Parks & Rec Commission

Our Town relies on citizens to help out by serving on Boards, Commissions, and Committees. You can have a voice in Town Government by helping out.

On February 10, 2020, at the regular monthly meeting, the Town Council will appoint members to the Parks and Recreation Commission. There are 5 vacancies due to current members terms expiring. The Council will appoint the five "best qualified" candidates from among the applicants (which will include any current members wishing to continue).

  • If you are interested in recreation in town please consider applying for the Parks & Recreation Commission.

  • If you want to see our parks utilized for the benefit of all, please consider applying for the commission.

  • If you want to see recreational opportunities for people of all ages please consider applying for the commission.

The Commission has nine members total and they meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at the Town Hall. Applications can be found here. To be considered at this Council meeting, applications must be submitted by Tuesday, February 4th.

If you think you might prefer serving on another Commission or Committee, see the complete list of openings here (as of December 11; not quite up to date).

Enjoying a summer concert in Ninigret Park


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